Tuesday, July 3, 2012

underwear checks... or lack thereof

Our morning on Sunday consisted of: "Roxie, go put some clothes on for church"
R: "Okay!"
end scene.
R comes down in a dress, I tell her to put on her shoes, and after breakfast we go to church.

Now insert lots of playing, running around, and playing games with the kids downstairs at church.

Then, head to grandma's house for lunch.  After lunch Roxie is being a normal kid and rolling around on the floor with her feet up in the air for some reason (does there REALLY have to be a reason to do this?  Why don't we all roll around more often.  Anyway...).

I look at her and to my amazement, she is not wearing underwear.  So I ask her about it casually.  "Roxie, why aren't you wearing any underwear?"
R:"Because you didn't tell me to put any on"  

Well... okay... didn't realize I had to specify considering this child often puts shorts on under her dresses just so nobody will see her underwear (not sure where she got that... but I have been wearing yoga capris under mind lately for ease of nursing in a dress)

Anyway.... the moral of this story.  It only takes a second to check to see if your child is, in fact, wearing underwear.  So, just do a quick check before you leave the house.  If they're wearing pants, then you can skip the check and use your free second to bust a really cool Michael Jackson-esque dance move.

The End.

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